<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/381be41d-2b86-4197-b542-c15c9f9002f5/Notionize_logo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/381be41d-2b86-4197-b542-c15c9f9002f5/Notionize_logo.png" width="40px" /> Plan your high-level week goals here. It’s ok to keep it loose. I like to squeeze a personal goal, maybe a date or movie night with your partner, or an exercise goal.


Intention for the week

  1. Priority 1
  2. Priority 2
  3. Priority 3


Monday morning is usually spent planning and catching up from the weekend

Start the day on the right foot by going for a run at 7:30am

  1. Respond to emails from clients
  2. Prepare presentation for meeting with team
  3. Review and refine project timeline
  4. Attend weekly team meeting at 2pm
  5. Followup items

4:30 pm leave office to pick up kids


Tuesday I’m taking the kids to school so my day will start a bit later, won’t have time to exercise,

Work on competitive research and strategy doc.